Helping Hands

What is Helping Hands?

Helping Hands is an opportunity for those of Alive Church to use their gifts, talents, and passions to help others. This happens when we help minister to people’s physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and relational needs.

Helping Hands requires that those who are seeking short-term assistance to adhere to the following steps:

  • If you are in an Alive Church Life Group, we request that you go to your Life Group first with your needs before submitting the Helping Hands Questionnaire.
  • Complete the Helping Hands Questionnaire and submit it.
  • If the need cannot be met by the Life Group, the Groups Pastor will be sent the HH Request. He will review the task/project to see if it is within the Helping Hands Guidelines.
  • The Groups Pastor will forward the request to a Case Manager, who is selected based on the nature of the task/project.
  • The Case Manager will submit the request to a Team Leader who will be responsible for assessing the task/project and time frame if the work is possible for Helping Hands.
  • If the Team Leader feels that the assistance is possible for HH he/she will assemble a team to complete the work.
  • The individual requesting assistance will be informed and notified.
  • The Team Leader will let the Case Manager know when the task is completed.
  • The Case Manager will then send a Helping Hands Experience Survey to the individual(s) who were served.
  • The Case Manager will debrief with the Groups Pastor.

Helping Hands will not undertake any tasks which require a permit or license. When possible we will help identify licensed professionals to accomplish the needed repair(s) or services.

For more information call (520) 544-7638 or email

“There are different kids of service, but we serve the same Lord. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is part of it.”

1 Corinthians 12:5, 7, 27